How to Improve Your Concentration


It can be hard to concentrate when there are so many distractions. We have the world in our phones, so many games and chats and options that work might usually seem like the least appealing option. Here are a few tips to allow you to improve and increase concentration.

Play natural sounds

The first tip is to go for natural sounds. Sometimes, even music can distract you from what you need to do, while nature sounds provide a backdrop that helps you focus. Sounds of rain or the ocean, forest sounds, wind sounds can help you focus more because they center the brain and can help you feel more comfortable in your environment. They help create a feeling of being outdoors, which stimulates concentration and creativity.

You might choose whatever sounds work best, but select natural ones rather than artificial ones, which can be more distracting.

Eat well

Your diet has a surprising effect on your attention. Too much processed sugar can make you feel sluggish and sleepy after you have the sugar crash. Even caffeine, which gives a powerful boost to your attention and memory for a while might lead to sleepiness later on. It’s important to use stimulants sparingly rather than rely on coffee to get you through the day.

Generally, being hungry or lacking nutrients can lead to you feeling poorly and having trouble focusing. At the same time, there are foods that can promote attention and concentration. These involve healthy foods with a lot of healthy fats, such as avocado, salmon, or dark chocolate. Make sure to give your brain enough omega-3 to help it work better.

Divide your time

We always have some trouble on the background keeping us distracted. Maybe it’s financial worries or concerns for our future or troubles with our health. It’s understandable that these would keep us distracted because they are constantly moving around in the backs of our minds, like a pebble that we can’t quite get rid of.

We can’t always be expected to have all our problems solved to be perfectly productive. Instead, a good solution is to leave aside some time to worry about our problems and to start focusing on them as well. If you know that you will address them, it can be easier to avoid distraction and immerse yourself fully in your work.

Turn off notifications

Notifications, whether on our desktops or mobile devices, are meant to distract us. They are designed to ensure that we have to check them and we might feel a strong desire to do so. This is a normal experience, and one that is intentionally made to be hard to avoid. Instead of struggling against the push of notifications, instead turn them off completely while you are working. Set your phone to airplane mode, for example, or just set it to silent and keep it away from your workplace.

If you feel concerned about missing any messages, set aside some time at the end of your work period to check your phone. Most things can wait for at least an hour, so it will be fine.

Dedicate time to your work

Some tasks can be done in five spare minutes, but most of our work can require periods of concentration. Allow yourself to have the time to focus and get fully into whatever you are doing.

Plan to give yourself an hour or more, depending on how long it usually takes. Let other people know not to disturb you, go to a place where you are not as easily distracted, and do what you can and need to stay focused. Remember to avoid distractions and center on the process of your work.

Start small

It might be hard to keep concentration for an hour at first. Set ten or fifteen minutes as your first goal. It’s manageable for most people to keep focus for this short amount of time. If you need less, start with less.

Do try to stay fully focused during these minutes. Set a timer that will let you know when they are up and don’t worry too much about tracking the time. This will help you train your ability to focus.


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