11 Steps to Creating the Perfect Bedroom for Sleep


If you find yourself downing coffee all day long due to sleepless nights, your bedroom might be the problem. Changing up your bedtime habits, including your bedroom decor, can make a dramatic difference. Just ask Jonathan Scott, home design expert and brand ambassador for Stearns & Foster. "Nothing in your home will impact your life more than having a beautiful bedroom to sleep in, with an aesthetic that will help you recharge."

Start here:

1. Create a more serene space.

The more pleasing your environment, the better your sleep. Maybe you don't have time to paint your walls right now (but if you do, try blue — it's a peaceful pick), but try placing a few photos of serene scenes on your nightstand.

2. Ban reminders of work.

"Putting an office in the bedroom is just a bad idea," says Scott. "The bedroom is not for working in — it's purpose is to help you relax, recharge and unwind." And thinking about bills definitely doesn't help with that.

3. Clear out clutter.

"One of the things that will destroy a relaxing vibe in the bedroom is if there's clutter everywhere," Scott says. He recommends investing in trays that slide under your bed to create more storage and buying a nightstand with drawers.

4. Turn off the lights.

And not just the bedside lamp (duh). Switch off your television, computer and smartphone, too. Bright lights tell your biological clock that it's time to wake up, potentially throwing off your sleep cycle and ruining the overall quality of your sleep. You should only allow light in your room during the day and at dawn — not at 12 a.m. when you get an email from work.

5. Keep it cool.

Studies have found that anywhere between 60 to 67 degrees is the ideal temp for undisrupted sleep. The last thing you want is to sweat or shiver in bed, which can lead to an restless night. Adding a little humidity to the room can also help. The ideal humidity is between 30% and 40%, so start using a humidifier (especially in the cold, dryer months) to regulate the air in your room.

6. Invest in sheets.

"I never skimp on the sheets," Scott says. In fact, he recommends keeping at least two full sets of sheets and two comforter sets for your bed, so you can swap dirty ones out for fresh, clean ones at a moment's notice.

7. Keep it quiet.

As we sleep, we still process background noises. So yes, that TV you left on or the beeping or buzzing from your smarthpone can interrupt your sleep stages. However, white noise can actually help. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the ambient noise can help block background sounds (like a car door slamming) and help you sleep more soundly.

8. Add a relaxing scent.

One study found that lavender could decrease heart rate, skin temperature, and blood pressure, which could put you in a more relaxed state. And, according to the International Journal of Neuroscience, it can improve your mood and make you feel drowsy. So try lighting up a lavender candle before bed or washing your sheets with lavender-scented detergent.

9. Create a comfortable bed.

It seems obvious, but is often overlooked: Your mattress, pillows and sheets are a big part of how well you sleep. And since not all bedding is created equally or works the same for everyone, you'll have to go through a little bit of trial and error to build the best bed for you. Just remember to look for sheets, blankets and quilts that breathe well and wick moisture away so you don't overheat. This also goes for your pajamas.

10. Make your bed every morning.

It's true, making up your bed each day can help you sleep better at night. A National Sleep Foundation poll found that participants who regularly made their bed (and had a cleaner bedroom environment) felt it strongly influenced how well they slept. It's also good to do for several other reasons.

11. Try a mindful meditation before bedtime.

Take a moment to decompress from the day and then power down.

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